The EU Platform of Diversity Charters celebrates today 10 years of connecting companies, civil society and public institutions to promote and strengthen diversity and inclusion at the workplace. With over 12,000 signatories, representing over 16 million employees from across the EU, the Platform has brought about tangible results, such as the introduction of flexible hours policies to allow for better work-life balance or increased recruitment of people with disabilities.
Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli said: “Charter companies and organisations have been the driving force behind measures making our workplaces and societies more inclusive, such as with the introduction of flexible hours for improved work-life balance, increased recruitment of people living with disabilities, training sessions on unconscious bias for recruiters and human resources professionals.” Reflecting on the impact of coronavirus on our society, she stated “Today, our commitment to values of inclusion, diversity and solidarity matters more than ever. It is impressive to see that Diversity Charter companies and organisations have shown remarkable leadership in addressing the crisis. They have stepped up their efforts to not only support their employees in these difficult times but also to help their wider communities.”
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, the Diversity Charters signatories have showed exemplary solidarity spirit supporting those affected by the crisis. For instance, in Italy signatories donated gloves, shoe covers and protective glasses to local hospitals and in Poland offered furniture and equipment like mattresses, blankets and towels for shelters for homeless people. More examples of efforts taken by Diversity Charters signatories during the coronavirus outbreak as well as more general activities of Diversity Charter are available in a factsheet. The Commission has also published today a study on trade union practices and initiatives taken to ensure non-discrimination and diversity.