European Diversity Charters encourage active participation in upcoming European elections, by promoting diversity as key to peace, social cohesion and economic success.
Over the past 70 years, Europe has secured peace – a gift that should never be taken for granted. Between 23 and 26 May, some 400 million Europeans are invited to cast their vote and elect the next European Parliament. It is up to them to decide on the future of the European Union, and whether it shall continue to be characterised by peace and diversity.
“Let’s all go vote,” encourages Dana Oancea, Project Manager of Romanian Diversity Charter. “If we want to shape the political climate in Europe, if we want to determine our common way of life, the way we treat and cooperate with each other, abstention should not be an option! Let’s make our voices heard, have our say, be part of a common Europe! And let diversity be the game-changer, for only those who seize its true value for our societies and economies will be able to truly protect social peace and economic success in Europe.”
Call for diversity
The European Union faces multiple challenges. In many Member States, racism and discrimination are on the rise – including online. The Diversity Charter movement throughout Europe is worried by the rise of nationalism in Europe. We therefore call on all European citizens who are entitled to vote to do so – and to do so responsibly.
Ivan Patzaichin, Ambassador of Romanian Diversity Charter says: “In life, as in sports, the leader sets the vibe of his or her group. A decent and humble leader will favour a cordial and harmonious society, while a selfish leader makes people frightened and greedy. Although in my youth I left home before reaching the voting age, I clearly remember the weight of the community leaders’ character. Perhaps this is most obvious in small communities, where everybody knows everybody, but I believe that in larger communities, where the leaders impact the lives of millions, their integrity, competence and respect for people are all the more important. I remember how futile the electoral exercise used to be before 1989 and how frustrated it made us all. But today we can actually decide who is better fit to steer this big boat that is our society today. Wasting this opportunity is similar to being thirsty and letting the water drain through your fingers because you didn't hold them tight enough. How difficult can it be to make a fist when needed?”
Diversity: our driving force, our strength
In Europe, professional diversity management is central to innovation, creativity and thereby economic success. The European Diversity Charter initiatives therefore call on the citizens of Europe to vote for diversity, and to raise their voices in protection of European values such as equality, non-discrimination, fairness and respect.
“Let us advocate inclusion and equal treatment for all people in Europe even more vividly – irrespective of sex or gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or conviction, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity. The promotion and appreciation of diversity, including in the working environment, continue to be a pressing necessity,” according to Eugen Crai, Ambassador of the Romanian Diversity Charter.
“There’s a proven link between diversity and creativity. And we absolutely need creativity and innovation for the Europe of the future, to solve all the complex problems that our old continent is facing, that the whole world is facing. I’ll be voting for a vibrant, colourful Europe, where all bright minds can find a fertile ground and feel like they belong”, added Gabriela Lungu, creativity expert and Ambassador of the Romanian Diversity Charter.
Diversity pays
In many ways, Europe as a centre of commerce and industry benefits from a working culture that respects and values pluralism. A diverse workforce brings together different skills and talents to the good of all. Many organisations and companies have therefore started to actively promote cross-border collaboration and international teams. They have come to understand that European cooperation and diversity makes them more successful, more resilient, and more stable in a world of growing complexity and increased threats. Societies in Europe have historically been diverse and also shaped by migration, and there is only to gain from a workforce that mirrors that reality. Only by valuing each and every citizen, each and every employee, in all of their uniqueness, they will unfold their full potential, motivation and contribution to the wider society.
United in diversity
Under the EU motto “united in diversity”, the European Diversity Charters continue to fly the flag of diversity, and to campaign for peace, inclusion and prosperity. For diversity is our wealth, for plurality makes our societies stronger and more successful.
Officially launched in April 2018, the Romanian Diversity Charter secured already the commitment of 98 signatory organizations with approximately 130,000 employees. The Charter is based on a set of general principles, assumed voluntarily by the signatories with the purpose of promoting diversity and inclusion within their organizations. Under the auspices of the Romanian Diversity Charter, several initiatives have taken place (experience exchanges, workshops, seminars) where different practices and organizational policies of diversity management were presented, analyzed, debated and disseminated.
More information on
Dana Oancea
Project Manager
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