Why and since when does your company believe and invest in diversity management?
Respect for diversity is one of the most important values at KRUK. We treat diversity as a source of innovation and effectiveness. KRUK Romania joining the European platform Diversity Charter is the expression of our determination to promote diversity and equality of chances. We are implementing these human resources management principles for some time now, following the model of our mother-company in Poland, that signed the Diversity Charter since 2013.
We do believe that each of us has skills and abilities that emphasize the importance of diversity, as an element of coagulation of the teams that are thus becoming more efficient, more subtle and flexible, in implementing the inter-disciplinary projects carried out in the company.
What aspects of diversity management have the highest priority in your company?
We have focused on creating an organizational culture and work environment meant to ensure respect of diversity, by integrating the diversity management and equal opportunities in the procedures & policies implemented in the company. We are a transparent company; our procedures and policies are disseminated to the employees and are periodically revised in view of improving them.
Which Diversity & Inclusion activities have been implemented in your organization so far?
All our colleagues feel they are welcome within the company and we do everything to make sure each of us feels appreciated. Everybody’s opinion counts, and their input is valuable. Each of the participants in the working meetings is invited to express his/her opinion clearly and concise, without any fears. Respect and good education are attributes of our team. One of the Group values refers to respecting each other and mutual support they offer each other in their daily activity.
Many companies aren't prioritizing inclusion and diversity initiatives right now. Why should they reconsider?
The initiative puts a emphasize on equal treatment policy, e.g. in terms of gender, age, disability, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation or lifestyle. Each company needs to have a sustainable growth, new and creative ideas, but at the same time continuity. We are growing our team by means of continuous learning, by internal promotion opportunities and equal rights for all employees.
In your opinion, what tangible benefits does diversity bring to your company?
If I had to name one exceptional ingredient that contributed to the success of KRUK during time, this is the desire to permanently exceed its own results and the daring spirit with which it tackles all projects.
Our success resides in the strength of the team made up of competitive persons, willing to make a statement and consolidate their performances. Diversity enriches the teams’ efficiency. We have a team made up of 650 employees and slightly over half of them are women. The attention to details, the competitivity and the balance they manage to keep between their family responsibilities and their work duties are admirable. The skills of our women colleagues perfectly combine with those of our men colleagues, thus the entire team has only to gain. The average age at company level is 32 and we have a young and well-trained team.
Can you name three diversity challenges that companies have to pay attention to?
I am happy to say that we have not faced any challenges in approaching the management of diversity at company level. It is an initiative to which we adhered to in full awareness of its importance and willing to consolidate our organizational culture promoted in the company.
What do you do to convince your colleagues to see the value in diversity management, or even more to truly get them on board?
Our employees are aware of the policies and procedures we apply in terms of participating to the continuous training sessions, to the recruitment and promotion processes for new positions, to the recruitment opportunities for open positions in foreign member companies of the Group. We have colleagues that were employees and worked in KRUK Romania and after some time they started working in other companies within the group in countries such as Poland, Spain, Malta, etc.
The recruiting and promotion criteria are strictly professional and take into account the experience and expertise one has, the personality and flexibility of the applying person, without taking into account the gender, age, religion, ethnic origin, nationality, etc.
Our colleagues are open to our approach of promoting diversity and are persons open to innovation and permanent improvement of their own performances, in view of rendering more efficiency to their activity, thus increasing team results. The management team did not have to make any efforts towards diversity policy implementation as we all share the same beliefs by conviction.
Interview by Dana Oancea